Saturday, August 31, 2013

Episode 6 - It's The End of the World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine

No Reviews, Just Analysis.

The issues in the issues from August 28, 2013. Plus your very own Nerd Confessions and the third installment of Grief Counseling. (That's usually where things fall apart.)

Show Notes:
Theme of the show is endings. Horrible, depressing endings. Relationship endings, world endings. Everything is terrible. Drink up.

Introductions: 0:00 to 2:15

Week recap: 2:15 to 14:55

Sabre Graphic Novel Kickstarter Can Be Found Here: 14:55 to 16:30 

The Massive #15 16:30 to 31:41
There's something about Mary, isn't there? We don't know what, but shit definitely just got real. Mother Earth might have something to say about her imminent demise, thank you very much.

Young Avengers #9 33:46 to 48:39
SO MANY FEELS. OH IT'S SO SO SAD. And it's clearly impossible to talk about this book without sounding like one of its teenage protagonists. Luckily, Andrea's own superpower seems to be speaking in the colloquial slang of someone half her age, so we've got that covered.

And that song Andrea babbled about? It's this one. Don't judge.

Mind MGMT #14 48:40 to 59:55
The end of an era. The start of a plan. Or a war. Maybe that's good? Maybe things aren't as terrible as we thought? (But who put those thoughts in our head, anyway?)

Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead, Vol. 3 #13-18 1:00:00 to 1:13:00
Each week, Andrea faces her fears by reading a volume of The Walking Dead. She whines a lot.

Wait. This volume was...different. The zombies weren't the only monsters. Is it possible Aaron was right about this metaphor thing all along?

That's the show, kids. As always, thanks for listening. Drop us a line in the comments, on Twitter or via email. You can even find us on Facebook or Tumblr or Google+ if you want. We're equal opportunity social butterflies. And don't forget to leave us a message with your #nerdconfessions!

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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Episode 5 - Papa Don't Preach, I'm In Trouble Deep

No Reviews, Just Analysis.

In a disgusting display of everything that is wrong with society today, Andrea is still on vacation. Why should you care, other than to be all Judgey McJudgerson about it? Well, it means Aaron has to edit the show this week. We apologize in advance.

Thanks for listening (especially in light of the above). If you have feedback or accolades, drop us a line in the comments, on Twitter or via email. Hell, you can even find us on Facebook or Tumblr or Google+ if you want. We're equal opportunity social butterflies.

Show Notes:
Theme of the show is legacy: escaping the past sins of our fathers (and ourselves) or being doomed to repeat them. How do you break the cycle?

This week's intro music is This Good Robot's new song "Super Spy" based on the Matt Kindt book. It's amazing. Listen to the whole thing here.

Intro 0:00 to 1:06

[1st confession]

More intro 1:40 to 2:47

[2nd confession]

Banter - 3:01 to 11:00

Dream Thief #4 11:24 to 23:15
This book could have been called I Wake Up With Dead People. (Proving once again why we talk about comics, we don't make them.) Either way, awkward city to inherit this particular "power" from your dad, eh?

[SPX Announcement]

Nova #7
A new Marvel superhero who happens to be fourteen years old? Yet the book isn't appropriate for all-ages? Yeah, this isn't going to devolve into a conversation about state of the industry or anything at all.

[4th confession]

Numbercruncher #2 38:38 to 49:20
Maybe all this wishy washy destiny stuff is a load of crap. It's just numbers, so if you can master the maths you can master your life. Or, why paying attention in algebra is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. Now with 100% more cockney.

[5th confession]

Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead Vol. 2, #7-12 49:45 to End
Each week, Andrea is going to face her fears by reading a volume of The Walking Dead. This can only end poorly.

Yup, she still hates it. But for increasingly complex reasons.

Thanks again, kids. Leave us a message with your #nerdconfessions and let us know what you think about the show. Until next week...


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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Episode 4 - If Music Be the Food of Love, Play On. With Zombies.

No Reviews, Just Analysis.

Three books from August 14, 2013 plus Nerd Confessions PLUS Grief Counseling. What's that, you ask? A new segment? (Also known as a sick joke at Andrea's expense.)

A reminder: we are getting some fantastic Nerd Confessions! It's pretty much first come, first serve, so if you didn't hear yours the week you called in, it'll be on the show the following week. Feel free to call again to leave another confession out of spite. Details in the sidebar, and archives above.

Thanks as always for listening to the show. If you have any suggestions or feedback, hit us up below or on Twitter, or you can email us at:

Show Notes:
Theme of the show was going to be perception, but Aaron trumped that with some shit about the universal stories of humanity. And zombies.

Mind the Gap #12 (14:30)
What is real, anyway? And how much musical theater can you cram into a comic book before people start to notice? Aaron thinks this is a soap opera, Andrea thinks it's a mystery. They both agree it's a lot different reading it in trade vs. month to month. Which leads us to...

Infinity #1 (31:32)
Aaron is a Hickman fanboy. Period.

For Galador. #neverforget (45:22)

The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys #3 (55:32)
Dystopian fiction by way of My Chemical Romance music videos. Seriously. Watch them below. Do your homework. And then ponder your place in the world as a whole.

Grief Counseling - The Walking Dead Vol. 1, #1-6 (1:09:20)
Each week, Andrea is going to face her fears by reading a volume of The Walking Dead. This can only end poorly.

In the first ever segment of Grief Counseling, Aaron tries to promote the notion that TWD is metaphorical. All Andrea sees are zombies. It's riveting.

Thanks again, kids. Leave us a message with your #nerdconfessions and let us know what you think about the show. Until next week...

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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Episode 3 - Jesus, The Devil & The Sinister 5 walk into a bar...

It's a vacation week for Andrea so that means drinking, fighting and (maybe?) reconciliation with her co-host Aaron. This week we talk about 3 books, like we always do. Markers are below if you want to skip over or skip ahead.

Don't miss out on the great Nerd Confessions we got, though - this week was awesome for calls! We saved some of the confessions for future episodes, so if you didn't hear yours, it'll be on the show in the coming weeks. And feel free to call again to stuff the ballot.

Thanks as always for listening to the show. If you have any suggestions or feedback, hit us up below or on Twitter or you can Email us at: Now lets get to it!

Show Notes:

Theme of the show is obsession, in all its beautiful forms. Addiction, attraction and everything in between.

Fatale #16 Start Time 13:13
Don't come here looking for a plot summary, since we cleverly skip over that entirely. Instead, Aaron and Andrea discuss the power and powerlessness that comes with wielding sexuality as a weapon. And also demons, because who saw that coming? Certainly not Andrea; she'll have nightmares for the rest of her vacation thanks to this book.

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #2 Start Time 31:05
A day in the life of a super villain who, let's be frank, isn't all that super. What if evil is just a job? The bureaucracy of being a bad guy kind of sucks, but it sure is entertaining. And you gotta give the guy some credit for continuing to try and try again.

Miniature Jesus #4 Start Time 42:25
A deeply personal treatise on the struggle for sobriety. When you've reached your lowest point, does the final push to overcome your addiction come from within or from above? We don't even get to talking about what the hell is up with the cat.

All this, plus four new Nerd Confessions. Thanks for sharing your geek secrets. Don't forget to leave your #nerdconfession message for a future show. Details in the sidebar.

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Thanks for listening and let us know what you think of the show! 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Episode 2 - Sex, Crime, and Serial Killers.

We're back! A second episode. They said it would never happen. Well, maybe no one said that. But here it is for your listening pleasure. You can listen with the links below, or subscribe to the show and get it automatically.

Show Notes:
THIS ONE IS DARK, KIDS. We should have included a warning at the beginning of the recording. Something something bourbon something. We highly recommend you have at least two drinks before you start listening. You know what? Let's just make that a standard rule, okay?

Theme of the show is redemption arcs. Who gets to have one? Is there such a thing as being too depraved or dysfunctional to deserve one?

If you want to skip over or skip to any parts of the show, here are the time markers for you:

10:35 - Bedlam #8
In which Andrea and Aaron discuss nature vs. nurture, and Aaron mentions castration three times.  Sort of sets the tone for the rest of the show.

22:45 - High Crimes #5
Everest as a symbol for personal demons. No big deal.

34:25 - Sex #4
And who hasn't had (or given) an unfulfilling bj in a bathroom? Come on, be honest.

All this plus! NERD CONFESSIONS! Thanks for sharing your deep, dark geek secrets. If you missed out this time, we'll be doing that weekly. Check out the sidebar for our contact info, and leave us a message with your best #nerdconfession.

Listen below:

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Thanks for listening and let us know what you think of the show! 

Friday, August 2, 2013

Nerd Confessions / Nerd Stories!

Each week, we play four to five of your Nerd Confessions and Nerd Stories on the show in between segments. Whats a nerd confession and/or story, you ask? Its a funny, interesting or secret thing about yourself that is super geeky for the entire Comics Therapy family to enjoy. Or it's a great nerdy story from your life that you want to share with the listening audience. It could be something you are proud of, amused by, or even a little ashamed of. Whatever. We don't judge. Usually.

Here is an example:



So go ahead and leave us your confession or story on:

Skype. Our user name is ComicsTherapy.

Call and leave us a voice mail at our Google voice number: 541.357.6922.

Email us at

You'll feel better after you get it off your chest, and we will love you for sharing it with us!